WP Stock Ticker is one of our most popular WordPress plugins. Released via the WordPress Plugin Repository it now has several thousand users.
We are very keen to keep development going on this plugin and to offer more functionality. Today sees the release of the Pro version of the plugin. It’s available for just $15 (Australian Dollars) here.
The Pro version sees a lot of work completed to make the plugin more robust. We’ve received many reports that the Yahoo! Finance API was not available for short periods of time and this left the plugin displaying no data.
Now if the API is not available we will have a fall back or cached data set that we can display until the data is once again available from Yahoo.
Compare the Free and Pro versions
The free version of WP Stock Ticker is still available from the WordPress plugin repository, but the Pro version is exclusively available here on HelpForWP.com.
The Pro version has the following features:
- Unlimited stock codes (free version supports 5 only)
- Unlimited currency pairs (free version supports 5 only)
- Ability to control the cache time in minutes (free version will get updated prices once only per 24 period)
- Option to remove the WP Stock Ticker text from the ticker when displayed
Limited time offer for existing users
Existing users of the free version of the plugin can upgraded to WP Stock Ticker Pro free of charge.
This offer is available until the end of September 2012.
To take up this offer please follow these two steps:
- Create a free account here
- Use the Contact form here to send us the username of your account and the URL where you use WP Stock Ticker (place these both in the enquiry field)
Your account will then be updated and the URL to download WP Stock Ticker Pro will be sent via email.
More feature requests
We receive a lot of feedback from our users, many of the ideas sent have been used to update our plugin. If you have an idea for WP Stock Ticker Pro let us know.
Kaye Rees says
i have downloaded and installed the free version of WP Stock Ticker then upgraded to Pro. I have received the Pro download files but dont understand how to upgrade the widget on my site. Could you help me please?
Peter says
Go to Plugins in the Dashboard and un-install the free version.
Then install (i.e. upload) in the same area the Zip file for the Pro version.
David says
I purchased this plugin and did not deceive an email with my password after following the instructions. I tried password recovery but it does not work.
I paid using my email address above on Paypal. Please could you assist.
David says
P.S – Your contact form is not working
Peter says
David thanks for letting us know, we’ll take a look right away