In version 4.0 of Campaign Tracker, we now have these new Basic Fields, that allow you to quickly understand the source of your website visitors.
Here’s what they look like in the plugin admin interface, they are the fields labelled A.
Channel: this will provide you a segment of where the user came from. You will get values like “Search Engine”, “Referring Website”, “Direct Traffic”, “Referring Website”, “Email”, “Paid Search” or “Social Media”
This field gives you a high level break down of the source of your visitor, making it super easy to see which of your marketing efforts are working the best.
Attribute 1: this field is dynamic based on the channel above. If the channel is “Social Media”, attribute 1 will tell you the specific social media network; Facebook, Instagram etc.. Instead, if the channel is “Search Engine” attribute 1 will tell you the name of the search engine (eg “Google”).
Attribute 2: will always give you the referring URL, the URL of the search engine, or the social media post etc..
Attribute 3: shows you the device type the visitor is using. “Computer”, “Mobile”, “Other”. Simplifying how to sort the enquiries of mobile phone users against computers.
Attribute 4: this will always show you the landing page URL, ie what was the first page in your website that the visitor landed on.
This table summarises the values you can expect in these new basic fields.