You're viewing Documentation for: Media Manager For Genesis

Display Videos in WordPress Widget Areas Video Manager For WordPress

Media Manager For WordPress provides a widget that can be included in any widget area that your Genesis theme provides. This can be useful for display video content in a sidebar or even the home page.

When the plugin is active a new widget “Genesis Media Manager” will be available in the WordPress dashboard.


Drag this widget into any widget area and configure the settings.

Video Manager For WordPress

In the widget, choose if you’d like to show the latest published video in this widget area. Alternatively you can choose a specific video from a drop down list of published videos.

Choose if you would like to display the video post title, if you are displaying this you can select to display it both before the video or after it.

Finally you can select the width that the video will be display at. The WordPress oEmbed system will automatically set the height of the video based on the with you select here.