WordPress pipedrive

Compatibility with Gravity Forms 1.9.x

Important notice for users of our Gravity Forms add-ons. Please read about our plans for compatibility with version 1.9.x of Gravity Forms

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WP Stock Ticker – 3.2 update

We have released version 3.2 of our popular stock market plugin for WordPress WP Stock Ticker. In this version we add a new tool that allows the order of stock codes to be easily updated.

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Featured images for categories – 1.4.4 update

Today we have released a minor update for Featured Images For Categories. The widget in the plugin now allows you to also display the name of the category or taxonomy above or below each of the featured images. Read more in this blog post.

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SEO Workmate: a simple solution to a problem

Our newest plugin has been released this week. It solves a problem that we experienced: where to store SEO keywords so we can refer to them when writing blog content. If you’re interested in solving the problem for you, read more about the plugin in this post.

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WP Stock ticket pro: updated to 3.1.2

We have today released a minor update for WP Stock Ticker Pro. 3.1.2 brings the ability to have more than one scrolling ticker or static block display at one time. There’s also a couple of minor bug fixes in this release.

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Working with custom Zoho fields just became a lot easier

In this latest version of our plugin we add support for Zoho CRM “contacts”, vastly improve the support for custom fields from Zoho and show you which forms have mapping already configured

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Gravity Forms to Zoho CRM survey

We’re working on a new version of our plugin Gravity Forms to Zoho CRM, if you’re an existing user please take a moment to help us make the plugin even better!

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Google Authorship – It’s all over!

The end has come for Google’s Authorship experiment. In June they removed authorship images from search result pages now it seems they have pulled the whole thing. More in this blog post.

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Gravity Forms to Zoho CRM: new support for file attachments

Support for file attachments comes to Gravity Forms to Zoho CRM with this update. Checkout some screenshots and more information in this post. The update is free for all users with a current licence.

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Gravity Forms to Trello… with attachments!

Our Gravity Forms add-on for Trello has received an update today. Version 1.4 supports attachments. Read about the update here including information on how to get it for your site!

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WordPress pipedrive

Gravity Forms to PipeDrive – a new WordPress plugin

Our new WordPress plugin that connects Gravity Forms to the popular CRM tool Pipedrive.com is almost ready. We are currently looking a few beta testers, read on for more information.

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Google Analytics Tracking For Forms and Universal Analytics

In this post we have important information regarding the compatibility of our plugin Google Analytics Tracking Form Forms with Google’s new Universal Analytics platform.

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